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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hold The Cheese Please

I cannot stand watching people lifting kettlebells with no shoes on... First thing is, Gyms are public places, just like restaurants.. You wanna come in? Put your shoes on... I really do not want to be where your feet have sweated.. thanks for bringing me into your little biofeedback experiment with you.. I am sure the Indians in Mexico would be impressed that you are doing snatch ladders at Planet fitness and getting your pathogens all over the place... Good work!!

The main reason for having shoes.. besides good common sense, hygiene and consideration is Safety. Lifting kettlebells is hard work, When I do it I sweat, this sweat falls on the ground... You see where Im going with this? I really do not want to find myself Hydroplaning anywhere with a couple of bells over my head... Good quality weightlifting shoes have wooden soles which help you transfer power much more effectively than regular jogging shoes... If you need to make do without weightlifting shoes or are just starting out... but a pair of sneaker with very little elevation or cushion in the heel.. like chucks taylor, or adidas sambas...

The best Kettlebell lifters on the planet wear lifting shoes, they do this for a reason... If you want to train barefoot at home in your own place, great... But when in a public place... Hold your toe cheese please...

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