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Monday, March 14, 2011

F##K Your Equipment

So I was talking to my Man Andy Fitting this morning.. He was telling me that he has to go find a new gym to train at... In case you have been in a coma for a couple years.. Andy Fitting is one seriously freaky strong dude from Buffalo, NY. He lifts really Heavy Kettlebells for training...
It seems that the place he has been training at is not happy about having heavy bells lying around and the new manager is thinking that if regular people see Andy training, they might start thinking about picking up a 54kg bell to see what happens and... well you know how that would end up... Bottomline, he has to find a new place to train... So naturally I wanted to help and I started telling him how to go about doing this, at which point he abruptly cut me off and said, "Listen, I'm going in there and I'm saying, I don't need your equipment.. F***K Your equipment.. I only use my equipment.. I don't need your stupid machines either.. I need an area to lift MY bells... Is that so hard to understand?"!!! Good Luck Andy!!


  1. Hahahaha Andy is so awesome.

    I once heard that Chuck Norris made a pilgrimage to Buffalo just to meet Andy "The Solution" Fitting, but when it came time to approach him, by fear of being jerked around like a 72kg Bell, Chuck ran back to Texas to make another infomercial.

  2. What gym is it?
    I'm serious when I will write a tactful(no colorful words) but a message why I will tell the umpteen contacts I have about to never workout at the place.
