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Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Not going to die today"

I see this guy about 3 or 4 days a week around town. He has had like 4 heart attacks, cancer 3 different times, and he is like 80 something years old. When I see him I ask him, "how you doing Bruce?'... And he will say, " I feel like shit, I can't eat, I can't swallow, I can't sleep, I can't shit, somedays I can't get to the bathroom by myself.... "It sucks," he goes... At the end he always says the same thing... "But, I ain't going to fucking die today'!  WOW!
It just hit me how long he has been saying this to me... I bet he has been saying this to me for over 2 years!! Imagine that? 2 years of suffering and all that misery, now he is driving himself around and taking care of himself, and it all comes from his mentality of. "Not going to die today"!  Not sure why I thought of him today, but I am glad I did... People like this keep things in perspective for me..


  1. Hey Chris, thanks for posting this. My dad was similar, in a wheelchair for years, C-differensis, cancer, half a hip removed from infection etc,etc, he was glad to be alive no matter what. "better than the alternative" was his go to line.
    Scott C
