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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Very Close to perfect Snatch technique!


  1. My idol!!!! Great job! One day I'll be as good as you :)

  2. Thank you very much Good luck with your training. And thx duff great training day we need another one soon.

  3. Duffy & Scott,
    This is a very solid effort. I can't help notice the anterior shoulder position during the drop. Look at your Denisov snatch clip a few posts earlier. Compare their two shoulder positions during the drop. Denisov is able to keep his shoulder posterior and packed during the drop.....a much safer and stronger position for the shoulder. My drop looked much like Scott's, and I am convinced this anterior shoulder position during the drop is what led to my shoulder injury.


  4. Hi Matt,
    I think I understand what you are saying, but it is hard to tell what Scott is doing with his shoulder from the straight on angle. Denisov's video is shot from a much different angle.

    I know what it might me, Scott has done alot of wake boarding and he hangs onto the tow rope with his left arm... you will notice on jerks especially that his left arm looks different than his right... So basically he is not symmetrical...
    Being out of position for the start of the drop is not really that important as long as you end up in the correct one when the brunt of the force hits you... and I think Scott's catch and use of his legs is optimal...
    I agree that being out of position during the catch phase of the drop coupled with poor leg timing will serious problems.

    I will film him from the side to check it better the next time we train together though.. Thanks for speaking up Matt..
