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Friday, May 13, 2011

Nobody cares

Ya know when you are in the middle of your set and the shit fairies start knocking? Nobody cares...
I heard this today from Steven at the Ice Chamber... Everyone has a reason to quit, the harder the set, the better the excuse.... But nobody cares....your back is stiff? nobody cares... your hands are throbbing? nobody cares... Your car is a hunk of crap? nobody cares... you suck at whiffleball? nobody cares.. You cheat on your taxes? Nobody cares...  Your kid is sick? nobody stayed up too late last night? nobody cares... the boss is breaking your balls? nobody cares.... Forgot to eat and now your bloodsugar is in the red? nobody cares... You always got picked last for any teams you played on? nobody cares... The girl you loved doesn't love you? nobody cares.... Tore your ACL 22 years ago in football practice? nobody cares... you never felt comfortable in your own skin? nobody cares.... You come from a broken home? Nobody cares... You feel like it is harder for you than anyone else? nobody cares.... You Father was a lunatic alcoholic? nobody cares... you always had to wear hand me down clothes? nobody cares... You are not ready because you didn't train? nobody cares... You have a perfect excuse why you cannot execute? nobody cares... You plan to do better the next time? nobody cares... You are broke as a project window? nobody cares... you are missing a chromosome? nobody cares... it already half time in your life and you are still a loser with nothing but stories to show? Nobody cares.... When things go wrong you usually hide? Nobody cares... Been too busy reading Jack Karouac to train? Nobody cares...

One thing I heard a long time ago that stuck with me... If everyone could could take there problems and put them in the middle of a room... (after seeing what other people have to deal with), you would be thrilled to get your own problems back... Everyone has pain and suffering... the people that amaze me are not the whiners, but the doers... when you meet a doer, ask them a little bit about there personal life and you will find it is far from Ideal or perfect... So stop making excuses and start making progress...

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