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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

An Advanced Class?

Many people would love to attend what they call an advanced course in Kettlebells; what could an advanced class cover that would not be in the ordinary class?

The usual class or workshop starts with the talk of how kettlebells train your body as a unit, integration over isolation, and work capacity... from there it goes into the grip, breathing, swings, the rack, clean, press, push press, jerk, snatch, and the fingerlock. Then, programming.

Once you have obtained a correct intellectual comprehension of theses basics, and you have begun to digest them- at least partially- the only thing left to do is, develop this understanding by demonstrating them in practice.

The only advanced course is the one you get when you roll up on the bells. Don't bother chasing gurus and rainbows... Get to work!


  1. Couldn't have been better said Duff! The "Advanced Class" is in school during thousands of hours under the bells. It is not in a certification course or clinic, but time tested by the lifter themselves.
