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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Perfect rep!

So yesterday I was looking to snatch the 28kg bell for 8 minutes. While I was warming up with the lighter bells, I realized just how off my timing is. I decided to scrap my main set and focus on improving my timing issue. The thing that I find so shocking is how all over the road I am on this aspect. Sometime my legs are late, sometimes I pull the bell too soon, sometime I extend my knees before my weight shifts all the way forward... I was video taping my sets and then watching then in slow motion right afterwards... the slow motion really exposed my mistakes... Ouch!!  

The Good news is, I did get a great workout in even though it was multiple shorter sets. Better than that was the fact that I felt the magic of when you get it right. After doing good reps mixed with so/so reps and few perfect reps thrown in once in a while, I was really able to feel the perfect ones as something special. Then I started to get a few perfect reps back to back! It is exciting to hit a perfect rep! When everything magically comes together for a perfect rep... it feels electric, or almost too easy! 

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