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Monday, April 25, 2011

I Don't Know

Has anyone else noticed how many experts there are around now? The thing that is so amazing is that they don't just know about one thing... Nope, they have skills in all areas, nutritional, spiritual, GPP, SPP, powerlifting, strength training, fat blasting, mobility, agility, you name it they have done it or have learned all about  it from the guy that started it back in the day!! Lucky for you, you met them!! You are in great hands, because if the one thing doesn't work, they have plenty of other stuff to try out on you! 

I love when a person admits that they don't know something. I went to this chiropractor one time, he and his wife did good adjustments, then they started selling supplements, and classes, and wellness seminars. They developed a following of patients, then figured out that they could sell other stuff to these people. But what ended up happening was that it got to be a pain in the ass to go there because they were always pushing some kind of bologna on you... Magnets or pillows, and water filtration stuff... Books...
I ended up going back to a chiropractor I had gone to before. This guy doesn't sell anything, you don't need an appointment, you don't even need to tell this guy what is wrong, you lie down and he adjusts you... No sales talk, no vitamins and no nonsense. He doesn't give dating advice or any sort of life coaching. He doesn't care if you make another appointment. He says only come back when you feel like it... and he is always busy...  I have deliberately attempted to get this guy to give me advice on things outside of his area... He always says, "I don't know about that stuff"!   I Love that!


  1. You are just like that second chiro guy duff! What the fuck, yeah I watched your set, you sucked! You tanked it and heres why..... .....

  2. Andy... I Don't know what your talking about... btw, you need and kettlebell specific whey protein??

  3. you gotta love the 'jacks of all trades - masters of none!' For me, it seems everyday i find out how much more I have to learn!

  4. Another great post. I have heard it called horizontal growth. Instead of accumulating 100 units of knowledge about a single subject they know 10 units spread out over 10 different areas. Regarding the kettlebell specific whey protein I'd like some but only the Jerk Whey protein I have plenty of the amino acids for swings and creatine snatch.
