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Friday, April 29, 2011

Don't get Greedy

I never would have put this term together with training with kettlebells. I always associated the word greed with money. To me, this word means that you want more than you deserve, or more than your share of something. In this case it would be reps.

When I first started getting help with my training, the progress came fast. I was getting to new levels every week and it really felt amazing to me. Having never really trained n this fashion, I fully expected the fat progress to continue, uninterrupted. So one day I was talking to VF and I was feeling sort of braggadocios.... anyway, he asked me what my goal was and I said something not really within my scope and he said to me, "don't get greedy". This was a polite way of  letting me know I was in dreamland! 

One time I convinced myself that I "should" be able to do a certain number of reps. Now this was not based on any actual numbers from my training, I hatched this idea in my head, and it was based on dreams. Well it didn't go good and I hurt myself. Later when I was telling VF how I was screwed up, he goes, "ok, what's screwed up, exactly"? I started talking about how my shoulder hurts in the front... He goes, " no, you see, your shoulder is not the problem actually... It is is your head that is broken, this happened because you get greedy"!  


  1. Right on the money Chris ! That's what I like about Coach VF, he tells it like it is. ( I had similar interactions with Coach VF. Makes me mad sometimes but the truth is the truth !)

  2. My post operation/ligament tear/blood clot ankle makes greed impossible at this stage, so I refer to my pie in the sky post-recovery numbers as "window shopping". :)
    Great post as always.
