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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Starting Over..

I remember hearing from the very beginning that moving up a bell size is a whole new sport. Bascially, I thought this was a silly statement at the time. All the bells are the same size, I am the same guy... I am doing the same things with the bells.. How can it be like a new sport? I just couldn't get my head wrapped around this concept. I nodded and pretended to agree, but I just wasn't buying this one..

What was missing from my equation at that time, was a the most important piece... Experience!! I had never really trained with kettlebells for real, so really I was not in any position to either agree or disagree on this subject. But Suffice it to say, I wasn't impressed with this statement. Might apply to you, but not me!! haha... 

Having had the experience now, I can say that this statement is 100% correct. I was thinking that just because I could do over 100 jerks with 2x24kg kettlebells, I would be able to do like 60 jerks out of the gate with the 28kgs... Wrong!  Even though it is a change of only 4 kg... 8.8 lbs... The way they feel in your hands and the way they compress your ribcage in the rack is very different... Also, the problems you never had before are showing up, and the problems you thought you fixed with the 24kg are back and worse than ever... It is not only like a new sport, it is starting over...

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