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Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Response is in!! I guess, you decide!!

Well, Mr. Wallace has responded... notice how he makes excuses and forgets to address my 1,000 dollar challenge directly... All fakers when confronted just throw excuses and smoke to distract you!!

It appears he did. I also thought it was uncool to mention names outside of IGX but whatever. He mentions my poor performance with the 1 bell 24kg 20 minute long cycle from 2-3 years ago that I did something like 70 reps. But failed to mention that I was wearing jeans, tshirt and didnt even chalk up because I wasn't prepped for that competition because I spent the past few days driving and moving from out of state. I also 1 arm ugly jerked the heaviest bell they had in that gym. Tried the seated press but did horrible with that. I went there to watch, joined some events for the fun of it and chatted with a few guys and went out to lunch with my wife who was waiting for me outside. My lack of specific competition training then and now is obvious. I don't compete, nor do I care to compete. I suppose I could look up what his numbers were 2-3 years ago but I don't care besides I do not see what this has to do with me thinking his girth is a hindrance to his performance.

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