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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ya, but it too hard...

Despite what the internet experts have predicted about Kettlebellsport being too difficult for the average American , the number of lifters continues to grow. They said "10 minutes is too long", "nobody wants to stand there like a jackass for that long"... "it is too boring","Only the Russians like this kind of punishment". They are so used to being miserable that Kettlebellsport is like a party for them...  Americans need excitement and Flash, this will never work in this country... Americans won't go for this kind of intense suffering. They were wrong!

Americans love to suffer, look at the explosion of Crossfit and those adventure races like the tough mudder, and Spartan races series... Those things are tough and they are packed!! It seems the harder it is, the more people sign up... Ever seen the starting line of a marathon? Who the hell wants to suffer like that for hours on end? 

Americans love to compete in hard events, Kettlebellsport is a perfect way to let people express that inner athletic animal.  It provides people with an arena to unleash there inner beast for 10 minutes. This type of release is very therapeutic and addictive.... Don't take my word for it... try it once,  It will change you...