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Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Baby, new hip, New Year!

So this posting stuff on here is like training, the longer you don't do it.. the harder it is to get going again.
On November 1 Teagan Margaret Duffey arrived in the world! She rolled into town like a freight train and things have been a whirlwind ever since... Also on 11/21, I went into the hospital for a  total hip replacement. I have been suffering for a long time and I bottomed out a few weeks before the operation... I got some professional  advice from an actual Medical Doctor... Actually I saw two doctors and they both agreed that I needed a new hip... Apparently, I had absolutely no cartilage at all in my hip socket! I guess that would explain the pain I was having! So I had a chance to get it fixed the day before Thanksgiving and I took it!

The surgery went really well! I am moving around pretty much pain free most of the time.  I have been seeing a PT and he is happy with the way things have been going... I have to wait until the Jan 2 before I can start to do any sort of real training and I need to take it slowly at first...

So besides a new Baby and Major hip surgery, I have not been doing much at all!! Anyway, I am planning to get back to posting my workouts on here... I am very excited to see how the new hip will effect my lifting! Stay tuned! 

1 comment:

  1. That was quite a finale to 2012 Duff! Congrats again on welcoming another beautiful daughter. What a precious (and also exremely challenging) time for you and Kate!

    Those of us who have had c-sections can relate to the difficulty of having major surgery with a newborn in tow -- wish we lived closer so we could offer help. Glad to hear your hip is on the mend, perhaps even better than ever!
